Spirit Canoe Advanced Individual Instruction
If you are interested in working one-on-one to deepen and enrich your shamanic practice, and further develop the personal, spiritual and professional aspects of your work, this program may be for you. Please read the following qualifications, and contact me any time at robbiestaufer@spiritcanoe.org if you have questions about meeting them.
Completion of all or most of the FSS advanced weekend workshops and commitment to complete the rest
OR completion of the FSS Three-Year Program and commitment to complete any advanced weekend workshops you may still need.
An active shamanic healing and/or divination practice, whether or not you are seeing clients professionally.
Commitment to monthly one-on-one meetings for 1 hour, and commitment to complete any work, assignments or practices as agreed upon between meetings. All meetings take place on Zoom.
To receive more information about the qualifications and about the program, please contact me at robbiestaufer@spiritcanoe.org. We can talk by email or set up a time for us to talk in person or by phone.
I look forward to hearing from you, and to working together with you.
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